okusinza 24

Okusinza Mu Luganda



"We are a faster growing sustainable christ centred Church of England by Bishop's Mission Order, worshipping in Luganda Language, which is widely spoken by the Bantu people in Uganda. we are based at St, John's Church , Waterloo, Parish, in Southwark Diocese. Our Anglican Worship is on the first Sunday of each Month, and this has been our custom for nearly 30 years.

Our aim is to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with Christ's Commission to make disciples of all nations . We believe in an inclusive Church which does not discriminate , on any level , on grounds of economic, power, gender, mental health , physical ability, race, or sexuality. Our main core values, are: Godliness, faithfulness to Holy scriptures, integrity, selfless service, unconditional love , unity in Christ and upholding Biblical family love.

Our congregation is aged from 0- OVER 60 years old ,and mainly from Uganda, but also our friends in UK, who understand the Luganda LANGUAGE. Our Church not only acts as a place of Anglican worship but also as a centre of unity for many Ugandans in UK, where they can meet spiritually, culturally and socially to discuss about issues of common concern without fear of any political issues .

We have an outreach ministry which has helped to establish other Luganda Languge worshipping churches in the Uk, and in other churches in Church of Uganda and the Diocese of Europe. Our Pastoral care involves visiting the sick at home, in Hospitals, holding funeral services for the diseased before being repatriated back home in Uganda for family burial.We have also a healing ministry where prayers and laying on hands and anointing can be offered on any individual who wishes to have it."


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